I have been informed that the thyssenkrupp Group operates globally and operates global systems used by the Controller for the purpose of applying to vacancies at thyssenkrupp. The thyssenkrupp applicant pool allows recruiters from different thyssenkrupp group companies to take into consideration existing applicants for new or other vacancies. If you agree to the processing of your application for a particular job offer as well as for other relevant positions, this will be taken into account not only for this vacancy, but also for others. Of course therefore you have to agree the processing of your personal data for the thyssenkrupp applicant pool.
The thyssenkrupp Group also operates global systems (such as Lumesse Talentlink) to provide the Group companies with certain services necessary to carry out the day-to-day business, such as a career website and recruitment systems.
I am informed that my data is collected by the different thyssenkrupp Group companies (the Controller can be found in the position description) and processed in accordance with the applicable laws.
The transfer described above (general or for pool) is only available to affiliated thyssenkrupp companies (and their service providers) who are dealing with a specific application procedure, such as to send me the requested written information.
The service providers of the thyssenkrupp Group for these programs are located in the EU and are obliged to deal with personal data by means of contractual obligations and data protection guidelines. To ensure availability and continuity, as well as data quality in data processing, a cloud solution is used, which can be maintained in exceptional cases from outside the EU. This means in the context of your application your personal data can be processed outside the EU / EEA.
If my personal data (see the list below, including my photo) are processed in the above systems, they could be processed outside the country where the Controller is located and processed by third parties (service providers for the above mentioned purposes), for the purposes set out above and below.
List of relevant personal data:
I understand that the thyssenkrupp group companies, which are not established in Germany and use the applicant pool will process my data also outside of Germany and possible the EU / EEA. As far as personal data are transmitted or processed abroad by or to Group companies, the data protection regulations of the respective country in which my data are "processed" also apply. Should thyssenkrupp transfer my data in a country where national laws provide for a lesser protection of my data, contractual, technical and organizational measures ensure adequate protection of my personal data in accordance with applicable law.
My data will be saved as long as thyssenkrupp needs these to fulfill the purposes agreed with me, or thyssenkrupp is obliged to do so by virtue of statutory storage obligations. If the applicant process is not successfully completed, my data will be deleted according to local law after the completion of the applicant processes.
My rights to notification, correction, blocking or deletion, which are expressly mentioned in the Federal Data Protection Act, the European General Data Protection Regulation and / or other applicable data protection laws, are respected.
I may withdraw my consent to the storage and other forms of processing my personal data at any time by sending a short notice to datenschutzbeauftragter@thyssenkrupp.com. However, I am aware that thyssenkrupp is subject to special legal obligations that might not allow thyssenkrupp to delete certain information directly.
By ticking "I agree to process my personal data for application to this position, as described in the consent" I declare my consent to the said processing and declare that I am processing my personal data in the above systems, Processing in countries outside the country in which the Controller is located and the processing of my personal data by third parties (service providers for the purposes mentioned above), if this is done for the stated purposes.
By ticking "I agree to processing my personal data for applicants pool as described in the consent and declaration to the applicant pool" , I declare my consent to the said processing and declare that I am processing my personal data in the aforementioned systems, the transfer processing and processing in countries outside the country in which the Controller is located and the processing of my personal data by third parties (service providers for the purposes mentioned), if this is done for the stated purposes.
I understand that I have no obligation to agree to the use of my data for these purposes. The restraint of my consent will have no negative consequences for me.
You will find further information in our Privacy statement.