For more than three years, Milind Phulse built up the purchase-community India at the Indian Headquarter and with that revealed much potential for the local societies.
Mumbai counts 25 million inhabitants - Beckum counts 37,000. It’s this small fraction of the Indian mega-metropolis what makes Beckum a rather manageable small town in North Rhine-Westphalia. This is where Milind Phulse works. Together with his wife, he moved from Mumbai to work for thyssenkrupp as Head of Procurement Global Regions just one year ago. It’s now his main task to globally realize what he achieved locally in India with the help of international teams in the US, China, India and Thailand. They aim to strengthen the transnational cooperation and to adjust the purchasing volume to joint suppliers. Special attention is turned on gaining potentials from low-wage countries. Only just arrived in Germany, both of them had to face a culture shock. It is thanks to their friends and colleagues that they easily settled in and finally began to feel home. All his life, Milind Phulse had a lot of positive energy, was interested in discovering new things and outward-looking. By studying business and electrical engineering in Poona and absolving numerous further trainings, Phulse laid the foundations for his professional career. In the eyes of the 49-year old, lifelong learning, whether languages or specialized knowledge, is a dynamical process to adapt to changing living conditions. „Keeping the focus on the big picture by simultaneously following the daily work - for me, that’s the key to success”, Phulse explains. But it’s also staying in good contact with superiors, colleagues and employees what defines an important element in his career.