By transforming thyssenkrupp‘s strategical procurement management it leads away from a traditional heterogeneous procurement towards a standardized strategical approach. Xun Jiang and his seven-person team elicit, control and plan the group-wide material requirements of plastics and elastomers which are used as high-tech components in car industry and mechanical engineering.
Xun Jiang works for thyssenkrupp for more than one year now. Not only did he launch the new purchase cluster but he also developed a new strategical direction. There’s still a lot to be done until all purchasing processes of this product group are optimized and standardized within the company. Xun Jiang likes his job. His working day is full of variety and requires excellent negotiation skills as well as communication skills to combine the interests of individual groups and to maintain the company’s interests. Internal discussions and agreements with international suppliers have to be held with diplomatic intuition and persistent convincing to meet everybody’s requirements.Nowadays, markets do change intensively and fast. That’s also what the cluster manager has to be aware of for being expert, to find acceptance and to induce trade-offs with engineers and executive managers. That’s why Xun Jiang spends a lot of time away on business throughout Europe, Asia and Northern America coordinating with local stakeholders. His chinese family roots and ties to the USA help him to cope with cultural and linguistic challenges.
Also in his private life Xun Jiang, who grew up in Berlin, is a globetrotter. He and his wife have already traveled all five continents.